Birth control refers to any method used to prevent pregnancy. Hormonal methods include the birth control pill, shot, skin patch, and vaginal ring. Hormonal birth control prevents pregnancy by stopping the monthly egg production.
Another method is the placement of an intrauterine device in the uterus through the vagina and the cervix. These devices interfere with a sperm when it tries to reach and fertilize an egg. It can also stop a fertilized egg from implanting and growing into an embryo. Barrier methods include condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps, Lea's shield, sponges and spermicides. Barrier methods are less effective than IUDs or hormonal methods. Fertility awareness includes natural family planning. Permanent birth control is possible only by means of vasectomy or tubal sterilization.
This article is about BuyWhere to buy birth control devices is often a question that confuses the uninformed individual. Birth control pills are available from the pharmacist, if the patient has a medical prescription. The pills cost approximately to per cycle. In many health clinics, pills are given free of charge or at a reduced cost.
The shot may also be obtained from the health clinic at a reduced cost. It can also be obtained from a pharmacist with the help of a prescription from a doctor. It is 99% effective against pregnancy.
Condoms are the only temporary birth control method available for men. Many health departments offer condoms free of cost. Condoms work as a barrier and prevent the sperm from entering the vagina. The price is .50 to .00 per condom at pharmacy stores. Condoms are available without a prescription, and they protect individuals from most sexually transmitted diseases.
Norplant is a thin birth control capsule that contains synthetic hormones. Norplant is injected into the upper arm of women. Norplant releases a small amount of hormones into the body for five years. It is available only at health centers. A health professional is needed to insert Norplant into the body. It costs approximately 0 for five years.
A diaphragms or cervical cap is a small, round, latex domes that fit a women's cervix. It acts as a barrier to prevent the sperm from entering the uterus. It is put in place with the help of a doctor. It is available at health centers, and the fitting may cost from to 0. The diaphragm or cervical cap costs to . It may be inserted into the vagina six hours before sexual contact. It lasts for several years according to the use.
Vaginal spermicide is a birth control method available in drugstores. It does not need a prescription and costs approximately to for a pack of twelve.
Sterilization is the most effective method in birth control. Female or male sterilization occurs with the help of surgery. The expenses may range from 0 to ,500. It provides permanent protection against pregnancy.
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